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Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die

You might say I’m a man on a mission to help people everywhere learn and accept the truth about life. You see, I grew up in a family populated by secular humanists. They bought into the idea the 18th Century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes unleashed on the world that nothing exists except the material world. It was probably good that idea came along when it did because it led to the Age of Enlightenment, the scientific method, and all sorts of good things such as the end of witch hunts and the end of counterproduct superstitions.

But Hobbes idea is not true. Much more exists than the physical world, and in fact quantum physicists tell us what we think of as the physical world isn’t physical at all. It’s energy, as in E=MC2.

I spent two years interviewing researchers about the true nature of reality. Hundreds of them, and I can say science is beginning to get a handle on what is true and what isn’t. But what has been learned is not widespread. I think that is because of the many hangers-on, even in the scientific community, to a nineteenth century, mechanical, you might say Newtonian worldview. In an effort to disseminate the truth, I’ve written a few books that put in simple, everyday English what mystics have known for millinnea, and scientists on the cutting edge are beginning to understand.

In my latest book, Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die, I explain that physical reality is created by consciousness. When you boil it all down, there is really only consciousness, one consciousness. We each share a sliver of it, and yet we all, and everything else is connected by it.

In Amazing Truth and How to Profit from It, I explain that everyone of us is eternal—that our consciousness will continue after the death of the physical body. It’s important to know and understand this for many reasons, not the least of which is that the decisions we make in this life will have consequences we may have to deal with long after this one is over. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not some kind of religious nut. But I will say Jesus gave top-notch advice when he said to love your neighbor.

You may be wondering what scientific evidence I can give that indicates our consciousness continues after death. While I cite many different studies, perhaps the most convincing come from the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, which has been at this for more than 50 years. The research done there clearly indicates consciousness can continue, and memories can be formed, while the brain is clinically dead or incapacitated. A number of examples are given, which include the recovery of lost consciousness in the moments or days prior to death among people who have been unconscious for prolonged periods; complex consciousness ability in some individuals who have minimal brain tissue; complex consciousness in near-death experiences when the brain is not functioning or is functioning at a greatly diminished level; and memories, particularly among young children, accurately recalling details of past lives.

The evidence I present suggests the brain functions more like a cell phone or radio receiver and connects our consciousness to and integrates it with our bodies. Of course, there can be no doubt the brain influences and affects our consciousness—consider what happens when someone drinks too much or is hit on the head—but it is clearly not the actual source of it. This is why our consciousness can and apparently does continue after death of the body.

This is backed up by double-blind studies indicating true, bona fide psychics can be intermediaries and communicate with loved ones who have passed on.

Here is what I request, if you know anyone who thinks this life is it, that when they die, the lights go out and that’s all there is, send them a link to this page. Although I don’t think it’s always the case, each lifetime on Earth usually has a particular purpose. It may be to learn a lesson. It may be to help others in some way. When that’s the case, the circumstances of a person’s life support the accomplishment of that mission. People need to know that because there’s no greater joy in life than doing what we are here to do. Getting to that point may be difficult, but a person will get there if he or she listens and perseveres.

Thanks for your interest, and thanks for your help.

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